Presentatierecital Masterclass < 30

Participants master class
© Mel Boas
© Mel Boas
Festival pass

Visit the overall festival with as much as 40% discount!
€309 instead of €515

Weekend pass

Visit the closing weekend with as much as 30% discount!
(Fri. 23 to Sun. 25 May) € 119 instead of € 170

Single card(s)

normal rate € 25,-

rate < 30 years € 0,- 

Six song duos will take part in the master class over six days. All have rehearsed songs from a self-composed programme of works that tie in with the festival theme The future of music - Music of the future

What is special is that during the master class, the focus is not one-sidedly on singing or accompanying, but on the collaboration as a duo. Because in song, poetry and music come together. To best express this, musicians need imagination, which enables them to convey nuances and emotions. The song duos work under the inspiring guidance of the teachers and coaches on the interpretation and presentation of the rehearsed songs. The result of this special process is greater artistic eloquence.

During the presentation recital on Saturday afternoon, the six duos will show how they have developed over the previous days. A special experience for participants, teachers and audience, even if you did not attend the masterclass.


The programme will be announced prior to the recital.


Large church hall / Zusterplein 12 / 3703 CB Zeist
