Baritone Tomas Kildišius and pianist Gustas Raudonius both participated in our master class in 2022. Admittedly with different duo partners, but there the seeds were sown for further musical cooperation. And what a one! Earlier this month, they won the Grand Prix of the Concours international de Chant-Piano Nadia et Lili Boulanger. Fortunately, we already know for sure that we will hear Tomas again in Zeist. Because with winning the Young Artist Platform 2023 - where Tomas was featured with Ani Ter-Martirosyan - he is guaranteed to be on stage with us again. How are these promising musicians doing now?
Tomas: 'All three of us are doing well. Gustas and I are happy to have won the Lili and Nadia Boulanger competition, and we are already getting invitations to song festivals in Germany and France. We got to know each other during the preparations for the Hugo Wolf Competition, but have only been performing together more often since the masterclass in Zeist.'
'Personally, I am looking forward to my concert debut in the UK and Norway next year. Meanwhile, Ani and I have released a CD of Brahms' Die schöne Magelone. And of course we are very much looking forward to our Young Artist recital in Zeist! We are also part of a wonderful project with saxophone quartet ETERNUM with whom we perform song arrangements. It's a very new sound and I think it works well to fuse voice, piano and saxophone.'
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