Song Festival Zeist
song recitals
by world stars and up-and-coming talent
next generation
thé stage for young talent
and more ...
discover the International Song Festival Zeist


Christoph Prégardien, tenor & Hans Eijsackers, piano

Troubling songs about Rihm's future in a bold alternation with songs by Schubert.

James Newby, baritone & Malcolm Martineau, piano

Spannende combinatie van oude en nieuwe muziek, ‘Aldeburgh revisited’. Met liederen van Britten en Schubert.

Katharine Dain, soprano, Sam Armstrong, piano, Lonneke van Straalen, violin, Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, clarinet, Anastasia Feruleva, cello

Op reis naar het einde der tijden. Met werken van Lili Boulanger en Messiaen.

Ekaterina Levental, mezzo-soprano
Chris Koolmees, direction

De klassieker van Poulenc in een hedendaagse uitvoering. 

Henk Neven, bass-baritone & Hans Eijsackers, piano
n.n., narrator

Een theatraal vormgegeven recital over de stem van vrouwen en de stempel van de tijd. In liederen van o.a. Liszt, Röntgen en Amanda Maier.

Fleur Strijbos, soprano & Babette Craens, piano
Eline Welle, mezzo-soprano & Laurens de Man, piano

Van tijdloze werken van Schumann, Debussy en Lili en Nadia Boulanger naar spontane muziek-in-het-moment.


Participants master class

For a week, professional duos work on their playing together. During this recital, they will show the result of their efforts.

Laurence Kilsby, tenor & Susan Manoff, piano

Een avond over de liefde en het leven, vol passie, vuur, wanhoop en hoop. Van Purcell, Tosti en Brahms tot Bonis en Bucchino.

National Boys' Choir Led by Irene Verburg
Hans Eijsackers, piano


24chambers X Internationaal Lied Festival Zeist

24chambers X Internationaal Lied Festival Zeist

24classics en Internationaal Lied Festival Zeist slaan de handen ineen! Op donderdag 24 april wacht u een verrassingsconcert op een nu nog geheime locatie met niemand minder dan sopraan Laetitia…
Haal het festival in huis!

Haal het festival in huis!

Als gastouder zit je in je eigen huis dicht op de muziek. En wat is er nou leuker dan je onder te dompelen in het festival door jonge musici onderdak…
Looking back at the autumn recital

Looking back at the autumn recital

During the first weekend of November, we already took a small advance on the festival in May 2025 and enjoyed that unique festival atmosphere. But unfortunately, a weekend is over in no time. Luckily, festival photographer Mel Boas captured everything for us. This way, you can reminisce for a while.
Benefit for Armenia raises € 1.700

Benefit for Armenia raises € 1.700

Making music helps you forget about your worries and builds friendships. A feeling you recognized. Your donations before, during and after the Benefit Concert for Armenia raised more than € 1,700, with which 20 children can receive music lessons.

The future of music - Music of the future

festival theme 2025

To say we live in turbulent times is not overrated. The age we live in presents us with big questions for our future. War and famine, near and far, rage all around us, claiming tens of thousands of victims. Moreover, the huge challenges of climate change, creating a sustainable world and habitable living circumstances for everyone loom up at the horizon. Could music, and for us in particular song, play a role in this?

That’s why we chose The future of music - Music of the futureas our 2025 theme; a theme that invites us to shed light on concepts such as 'future' and 'time' in different ways. What does the passing of time mean? Is it possible for us to be 'ahead of our time' and make our dreams for the future come true?

It might sound cliché, but the future belongs to the next generation! So, in 2025 also, we continue offering an extensive amount of room to provide masterclasses for young, professional song duos. Promising talents will point out the road lying before of us during the Young Artist Platform, the Winners' Recital and theatrical showcases. Because they are the performers of tomorrow. And of course, primary and secondary school pupils make themselves heard. Because if we know how to captivate them now, they will embrace the art of song in the future.

Come and listen, because music is the future!

Discover the pearls of Zeist

In het hart van Zeist vindt u Slot Zeist, overdadig groen in de nabijgelegen parken en de historische pleinen. Daar vindt u ook de kerk van de Evangelische Broedergemeente, al sinds het begin dé concertlocatie van Internationaal Lied Festival Zeist. Elk jaar in mei is deze kerk hét middelpunt van de internationale liedkunst. Geniet van musici van wereldformaat, aanstormend talent of amateurmusici van jong tot oud, Internationaal Lied Festival Zeist staat garant voor luisterplezier. Een bezoek aan Zeist maakt uw festivalervaring compleet.
