mission and purpose

Everyone sings. For themselves, for others or with others. Singing is the most direct way of making music. Songs - whether they are hundreds of years old, or composed today - most directly express human soul emotions. And that is why there is the International Song Festival Zeist.


The International Song Festival Zeist Foundation was established on 5 June 2015. The foundation subscribes to the Culture Governance Code, the Fair Practice Code and the Diversity and Inclusion Code and applies them or has included actions in its policy to implement the principles and recommendations of these codes.

artistic direction and vision

Hans Eijsackers - Henk Neven

A song festival is only worthy of its name because of the people who wear it. But a song festival is worthy of its name only because of the people who wear it. In the first place, that was our artistic director from the very beginning: Robert Holl. Without exaggeration, he is one of the greatest singers and pedagogues of our time. From 2023, the artistic leadership will be in the hands of Henk Neven and Hans Eijsackers.

Keeping traditions alive and renewing them

Bringing together the absolute world's best in song art with international rising stars, local talents and amateur singers guarantees a multifaceted festival with a focus on the rich tradition of song art and room for innovation. Combined with fringe programming - including talk shows, lectures, a guided tour, lunch recitals and a film - the festival will be a festive week.

inspiration in nature

The festival takes place at an inspiring location in the leafy heart of Zeist. There, a stone's throw from each other are Slot Zeist and the church of the Evangelical Brethren Church, which is the central festival location. This hall is a gem, known from the Early Music Network and the Zeister Muziekdagen, among others. It is loved by musicians and audiences alike, who praise it for its intimate ambience and clear acoustics that guarantee an unforgettable listening experience. The combination of the song art, in which nature often features so prominently, and the venue guarantee hours of listening pleasure.


The first edition of the International Song Festival Zeist took place from Tuesday 17 to Sunday 22 May 2016. Responsible for the festival is the International Song Festival Zeist Foundation. The foundation was established on 5 June 2015. The first edition of the festival was entirely dedicated to the ultimate song composer Franz Schubert.

Putting song (back) on the map in the Netherlands for a wide audience, that is the central mission of the International Song Festival Zeist. By organising an annual festival. By making innovative connections between rich tradition and modern interpretation.
